Why Mickey Mouse is an American Icon

Mickey Mouse represents the “American Dream”. Mickey Mouse was an idea sketched out on to a piece of paper that turned into a goal that Walt believed in. Mickey was something for Walt to believe in. He was having financial troubles and Mickey Mouse made him rich. Mickey got Walt going, if that mouse never scurried past him on the train, who knows what Walt would have done with his career. America is very imperialistic. In the USA, we want to conquer and be the best. Mickey Mouse is a symbol because he conquered the cartoon world and became the best known cartoon ever. In America you have to be the best to succeed therefore you need to be Mickey Mouse. He represents American ideals by keeping his innocence. Mickey is always appropriate, fun, and happy. That is why Mickey Mouse is so popular!


Mickey Mouse Comic Strip

In 1930, the first Mickey Mouse Comic Strip came out. Here is a piece of those comics:

Random Mickey Mouse Facts!

  • First appearance = November 18, 1928 in Steamboat Willie

  • There has only been two voices for Mickey, and the first was his very own creator Walt Disney

  • Walt got the idea of Mickey when a mouse ran past him on a train

  • Walt Disney is affraid of mice

  • Mickey's girlfriend is Minnie

  • He has a dog named Pluto

  • His best friend is Donald Duck

  • Starred in over 118 cartoons in around 30 years

  • His original named was Mortimer until Walt's wife changed his name

  • Mortimer is his nemesis

  • The angle of Mickey's ear is 105 degrees, same as the bonds in water

  • He was the first cartoon character to talk




http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/ article?id=ar160740&st=walt+disney

Steamboat Willie

Watch Mickey in his very first debut every called "Steamboat Willie"!


How to Draw Mickey Mouse

This guys teaches you how to draw Mickey Mouse very easily!


Famous Stars Thanks to Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse was the beginning of these stars careers:

Walt Disney because Mickey gave him his start in the animation production world

Annette Funicello -The Mickey Mouse Club

Britney Spears -The Mickey Mouse Club

Justin Timberlake -The Mickey Mouse Club

Christina Aguilera -The Mickey Mouse Club
